Writers learn to be a thick-skinned group. At least on the surface, we’re able to read the rejection letters, grit our teeth and submit yet another draft because we know our writing can always be better. Or, we submit our babies never to hear a single word from editors and other writerly big wigs. The silence is deafening.

Over the nine years I’ve been writing I’ve gotten feedback from various other authors, editors and agents and many tell me I’m a good writer. I used to think that was a big deal, but it really isn’t because there are lots of good writers. What matters is whether or not I can write something a particular publisher needs–right now. Can I tell a good story, make myself clear, meet the felt needs of readers and a million other things that make the difference between a “good writer” and a published writer?

So it came as a wonderful surprise–a really wonderful surprise when I found a long, positive comment about my websites and my blog. The reader found me through a homeschool site and took the time to actually go to my blog and read some of the content. He even went to www.onehandfulofrice.org and read some of that too. Not only did he read, but he connected with the messages. My goal is to promote a lifestyle of kindness and generosity. He understood.

The day I posted In Praise of Kind, Decent People I was sick to my soul with the angry rhetoric I found online. I was sick of seeing posts from nice people who were saying very “un-nice” things. I think politics and, yes, sometimes religion, make people mean. If others don’t agree with them they go on the attack. So I determined to sidestep the anger and angst and appeal to kindness. Where would we be without it?

That one long comment about the heart of my writing made my day, my week and my month. I’m grateful that my words sometimes find their mark and make a difference.

If you love a writer, take the time to make a positive comment on their site. It will be music to their ears.