I sat in church last Sunday and listened to an excellent teaching about making a difference in my life. It had to do with the fact that learning and growth are never passive. True learning requires more…
Recent Blogs
The Quiet Spaces
I’ve just finished an incredibly busy week. All of my family were here and that is a true miracle in all of our busy lives. It was a wonderful time filled with music, coffee shops, boutique…
Get Your STEM On: Some Sites for Science-minded Kids
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math: STEM. That’s what all the education buzz is about these days and with good reason. The future job market for your young learners will most likely rely heavily on the problem-solving…
Reading for Meaning: That’s What It’s All About
When our children are tiny tots we begin teaching them the alphabet. There’s a lot to learn with twenty-six letters coming in two sizes and some of them making multiple sounds. And so we begin teaching kids…
Asking Questions: the Key to Reading Comprehension
I well remember the time when my four year old daughter spent her day asking “Why?” Why don’t fish have fur? Why is candy bad for us? Why did God make dangerous animals? (I wonder about mosquitoes…