When I was a teacher I was always on the lookout for a child’s next steps. I was trained to assess what a little learner already knew and understood, be clear about what he or she needed to learn next, and instruct accordingly. It wasn’t easy, but over the years I became a mini-expert in that never-ending cycle of learning.

As a new writer I’m always looking for my own next steps. There are hundreds and hundreds of books available on the craft of writing. Which ones to read and absorb? There are great writing websites and blogsites with more information than a newbie writer can possibly take in. Which ones to follow?

For a while I was spending way too much time on a fiction site. In fact I was spending so much time there, trying to pick up information, following discussions on various writing methods and a stream of opinions that I wasn’t getting any writing done.

It’s always a challenge to learn something new. I need to keep reminding myself that the best way for me to learn is one step at a time. Good thing I have lots of background knowledge about the ways I can best learn. Now, to apply what I already know and select only my “next step” rather than allowing a whole avalance of writing advice and information to bury me.
