Over at The Prosperous Writer Christina Katz is exploring some of the qualities that move a writer closer to his or her goals. This week she’s taking a look at being polite. Hmmm, seems that everyone is supposed to be polite;  it’s one of those things we learned at our mother’s knee at age three and again in Kindergarten and then we were reminded of it fairly often  all of our growing up years. As adults we’re supposed to already have polite under control. Makes me think that perhaps we imperfect creatures need reminders in the realm of polite. So here is my take on being both polite and being a writer. How would you complete the acrostic?

P-  I’m a person who writes and wants others to enjoy reading the words.

O- I’m out to please, not offend, although I’m also going to be honest.

L- I need to listen too. I’ll get some of my inspiration from hearing from those around me.

I- I’m in business. I need to be cordial in all my business dealings—you know, The Golden Rule.

T- I’m true to my belief system as I write to inform, inspire or entertain.

E- I enjoy my writing world; it’s a happy place and I want to keep it that way.

All to say that it’s just good common sense to be polite in all my dealings with others; as a person, and as a person who happens to be a writer. I’ll prosper as I treat others with respect because we reap what we sow and should I happen to commit a politeness foul, I’ll need to refer back to other early teachings designed to civilize, and say I’m sorry. It’s an imperfect, stress-filled world. I’ll do well to smooth out rough edges with a little politeness (kindness) as I take the journey.